Notes Client keyboard shortcuts

From a form...

[TAB] Next unread document.
[SHIFT]+[TAB] Previous unread document.
[ENTER] Next document.
[BACKSPACE] Previous document.
[Shift]+[F9] Replaces a user-entered formula in an editable text field with its returned value.
[ALT]+[number N] Click the Nth action button.

From a view...
[SHIFT]+[ENTER] Move to next main doc in view (skips responses)
[SHIFT]+[BACKSPACE] Move to prev main doc in view (skips responses)
[RIGHT ARROW] Hortizontal Scroll Bar.
[INS] Toggles "read" and "unread" marks for selected documents.
[ALT]+[number N] Click the Nth action button.
[CTRL]+[SHIFT]+[F9] Update all views in database
[F6] Moves focus between view body to view list or navigator.

From the Workspace...
[`] "Scan for unread mail" from the desktop.
[TAB] "Scan for unread" from the desktop.
[CTRL]+ARROW Move to prev/next workspace page.
[SHIFT]+Open a db Open a new instance of the database, allowing you to have more than one view open at a time.

From anywhere...
[CTRL]+[TAB] Cycles through open Notes windows.
[ALT]+[ENTER] Toggles the Properties Box.
[CTRL]+[M] Create mail Memo.
[ALT]+[F9] Minimize Notes
[CTRL]+[F9] Restore open Notes windows to non-minimized.


I fixed some typos, added explanations for the old OS/2 keys (Control- or Alt-F5, -F6, -F7, -F8, -F9, -F10, -Tab). I also added
Enter, Alt-Enter (and associated properties InfoBox clues), and document navigatiion via Tab - F4 - F3, and database unread

To move from the main view/folder screen to the search bar, press Control-F. Use F6 to move back from the search bar to the view
or folder.

Here's another thing that may help: you can press action buttons at the top of views/folders/forms using Alt-1 for the leftmost button,
Alt-2 for the next, etc.

You can switch back and forth between the view and the navigator by pressing F6 repeatedly. If you have preview open, F6 switches
among all three panes. Similarly, if you a form open with parent preview or link preview, then F6 will switch between the top and
bottom panels. (Also, as I said above, F6 alos brings you down from the search bar to the main panel, but it does not bring you into
the search bar; only Control-F does that.)

Control-Y will recenter vertically a document you are editing, so the cursor is in the center of the screen (the cursor stays at whatever
point in the document it was already, the document is what scrolls.)

The old OS/2 keystrokes for close/minimize/maximize/restore/size/move all work for both the main Notes window and the child
windows. You can see the list by clicking the control menu. Alt-Fx works on the main window, Control-Fx works on the child
windows. So look into Alt-F4/Control-4 (close Notes/close child window), Alt/Ctrl-F5 (restore size), -F7 (move window -- use
arrow keys then press enter), -F8 (change size -- use arrows once to choose which edge, then uses arrows to adjust, and enter to
finish), -F9 (minimize), and -F10 (maximize). -F6 or -Tab are both the same -- they switch among applications (Alt) or among child
windows (Control).

When you are on the desktop, pressing tilde (~) will do a mail-scan-unread. If you have new mail waiting, this brings up the most
recent message that is unread. Pressing ESC while in that message brings closes that document and opens a mail view.

I would also enable the new mail visual notification. That way you can eaisly just press the hotkey in that little dialog, so that your mail

Control-L in Notes opens the "enter URL dialog. You can set your location document to use whatever browser you want, and this
gives you a quick way to access your browser from within Notes. (If the browser was already started, this isn't a big deal, of course.)

You probably already knew that ESC closes a window, and will propt to save if necessary.

On the desktop, Control-LeftArrow and Control-RightArrow will move among the desktop tabs. Shift-Control-[AnyArrowKey] will
start dragging an icon; press ENTER when you are finished dragging, to drop it.

You can select documents in a view by highlighting them and pressing the space bar. Or, press Shift-Up to select the current
document, move the highlight up a row, and select the newly highlighted document as well. Shift-Down does the same in the
downward direction. This is a handy way to select multiple documents that are adjacent -- just hold down shift-up or shift-down.
Unfortunately, this does not work to deselect; you must press spacebar on the highlighted document to deselect it.

You'll do well to learn the cut-and-paste keys. the "new" style is control-c to copy, control-x to cut, and control-v to paste (v being
adjacent to x and c, looking like an upside down caret, which is used by editors to indicate insertions). The old style keys also work in
Notes: shuft-delete to cut, sift-insert to paste, and control-insert to copy. Note that these work in both fields (text cut and paste) and in
views/folders (document cut and paste).

Most new database designs default to not allow the following trick, but where available, it may also help. You can switch views and
folders using the view menu, instead of the navigate pane. You can use the standard "folders" navigate pane by using F6 (as indicated
above), and using the up/down arrow keys to move among view/folder names, or even to agents and the Design menu. Use F6 to
switch back. if you are on a folder name that is expandable, hit the plusor asterisk keys to expand it. You can collapse as well, by
hitting the minus key, so you can quickly skip the intermediate names.

THIS ONE IS REALLY USEFUL: Sometimes, it is difficult to scroll a document. If editing, the arrow keys normally scroll the cursor,
not the screen. Even in read mode, if there are any hotspots (buttons, links, objects), they also tend to touch only on the hotspots,
which can make scrolling slow and tedious if there are lots of them, or skip whole screens full of information of they are spaced more
than a screen apart.

You can make scrolling more manageable in those situations by simply turning scroll lock on. Just remember to turn it off when done
with that document, because you won't want the behavior to change in views (scroll screen instead of highlight) or the next document
you open. Scroll lock status is persistent, until you hit it again.

The quickest way to close all open windows (if there are many), is to choose Alt-F-T-W then hit ESC. (File->Tools->Switch ID, then
ESC to close the file dialog without switching IDs.) Notes closes all windows when you even request to switch IDs. It's a design flaw
-- Notes should really close windows after you have successfully switched IDs. But the design flaw helps here.

Control-T appplies "plain text" -- color black, no underlining, bolding, italics, superscript, subscript, emboss, strikethrough, shadow, or
extrude. Some of the font color changes are available on the text menu. F2 increases fnt size; Shift-F2 decreses it. F8 increases indent;
Shift-F8 decreases indent. F7/Shift-F7 similar change first line indent. A common keystroke is f*+Shift-F7 to create a hanging indent.
That's obviated, though, if you use bullet style. You can easily switch among the defined styles by hitting F11. Notes has three basic
defined styles -- headline, bullet, and basic. Headline increases font size and uses a cool magenta color for emphasis. Basic and bullet
are plain text, except that bullet -- well, you can guess.

Pressing Alt-Enter at any time opens the properties InfoBox. It is the same as pressing the leftmost standard SmartIcon. Which
properties opens depends on context. It is helpful to know that (1) you can use Control-PageUp and Control-PageDown to switch
amongthe tabs, and (2) Tab/Shift-Tab to move around the properties box. In fact, you can often press Shift-Tab once or twice to
highlight the Properties For box, then press Alt-Down for a list of available property sets (Database, View, Document, Table, Text,
...). Then use up/down to highlight a different set, space to select it and change the proeprties box.

Enter on a database icon opens the database. If you have "stacked replica," you can press the spacebar to switch among them (or
replicate). Thanks to John Walsh for the tip.

In a view or folder: Enter opens the highlighted document, Tab or F4 goes to the next unread document. Shift-Tab or Shift-F4 similarly
goes to the previous unread. F3/Shift-F3 similarly go to the next selected or previous selected. In each case, if the unread
mark/selection mark is "collapsed" (into its parent documents or a catgeory), then they will go to the visible parent or the category.

The same keystrokes for next/previous unread or selection, will also work while in a document in read mode. For example, pressing
Tab while READING a document opens the next unread document, as if you had pressed ESC, Tab, Enter. In addition, while reading
a document, you can press ENTER to open the next document in the view, or Backspace to open the previous document -- as if you
had pressed ESC, down-or-up, ENTER.

I think that's it.

Tab at the workspace starts the "scan prefered database" operation; Shift-Tab scan selected database icons.