A Lotus Technical Blog by the MartinScott Team

How to do Ctrl-Break in the Notes Standard client

Jamie Magee  December 7 2010 11:49:22 AM
Ctrl-Break is the typical way to abort accessing an unavailable database, stop a script, etc.  But in the Eclipse-based "Standard" Notes client, Ctrl-Break doesn't always work.  In fact, I find that it never does.  I don't have time to figure out why, because I have instead found that the Stop button in the Navigation toolbar does work!  Even when you're stuck with an hourglass in Notes, the Eclipse client lets you click on toolbar buttons, and Stop usually works just as you'd want it to.

Image:How to do Ctrl-Break in the Notes Standard client

1Grzes  12/07/2010 4:00:45 PM  How to do Ctrl-Break in the Notes Standard client

In my 8.5.2 AllClient version Ctrl-Break works well. Maybe it's OS issue? (I use WinXP).

2Serdar Basegmez  12/08/2010 5:05:39 AM  How to do Ctrl-Break in the Notes Standard client

I just had this problem yesterday, testing a long-running code for a customer.

Sometimes, it really doesn't work. I found that if you lose focus of Lotus Notes window once, you can't break lotusscript codes.

I'll try Stop action, Thanks for the tip :)

3Jamie Magee  12/08/2010 8:56:08 AM  How to do Ctrl-Break in the Notes Standard client

I'm using XP, too. But I wonder if it's because I'm running inside VMWare Fusion on a Mac. I have yet to find any other VM differences with Notes once inside Windows, but perhaps the Ctrl key is handled differently since it is after all a Mac keyboard.

4Dana  04/12/2011 1:21:56 PM  How to do Ctrl-Break in the Notes Standard client

I asked a coworker and learned that "the toolbar is caught in UI thread in Java and processed immediately by core client" whereas "trl-Brk, which is a Windows Key message caught by the WndProc handler in nlnotes."

5Dana  04/12/2011 1:22:09 PM  How to do Ctrl-Break in the Notes Standard client

I asked a coworker and learned that "the toolbar is caught in UI thread in Java and processed immediately by core client" whereas "ctrl-Brk, which is a Windows Key message caught by the WndProc handler in nlnotes."