Our average developer has over nine full time years of hands-on development experience working on large-scale Domino applications for medium and large businesses. Over half of our consultants are former members of Lotus's own Professional Services group, where we have worked on some of the most complex Notes and Domino applications for Lotus's largest and most critical clients, such as Verizon, MCI, The World Bank, IBM, and Compaq. While at Lotus, some of our consultants were pioneers in developing Lotus's first Domino web applications during Domino's alpha stages before public release.
Most of our technical staff are Principal Certified Lotus Professionals (PCLPs) who have been using Notes since Release 3, and all are Certified Lotus Professionals (CLPs). Our professionals have spoken at over a dozen international Lotus developer conferences, and authored several articles in top tier Notes/Domino technical publications such as The View and Lotus Advisor.
MartinScott professionals have authored articles for the following trade journals.

MartinScott has presented at the following international professional conferences: