MartinScott Services
Let us solve your business needs with a custom designed Lotus Notes/Domino application. Or let our expert developers tune your existing applications.
Thinking about upgrading, moving or consolidating your existing Lotus Domino server or Notes client environment? We help you plan, test, execute or review!
Want to know which security holes exist in your Lotus environment? Looking to fully document your IT systems, transfer knowledge to staff or prepare for turn-over?
Harness the power of Struturo, our industrial strength web content management for Domino-based websites that don't look like Domino.
MartinScott Products
Extend your Lotus Notes/Domino email to any Blackberry (without BES!), iPhone, Droid, Palm, WinMobile, without running a separate server or leaving your workstation on.
The NoteMan Toolbar for Lotus techies lets you modify/add/remove any value on any document(s) in any database, in 5 clicks ...without agents or design changes!
Panagenda's MarvelClient centrally audits and controls Lotus Notes client workstations to auto-correct problems, simplify upgrades and reduce help desk calls. Purchase MarvelClient Analyze for $1.
The Federated Identity & Resource Manager automates administration of Domino, BlackBerry and Active Directory users & groups.