INTRODUCING...... "MSG" and Jamie Magee!
Franziska Tanner June 27 2009 01:56:00 PM
No, not the stuff that makes Chinese food tasty, but rather the "MartinScott Guide to all things collaboration" or MSG for short!Blogging the MSG (pronounced "message") will be the MartinScott Team members Jamie Magee, Daryl Rochette, Becky Lomangino, Sean Bedinger as well as myself, Francie Tanner.
Expect technical posts about development, project management, upgrades, issues we've run into and products we use in our daily consulting life.
And since this wouldn't be a proper introduction without telling you a bit more about ourselves, let's start with one of our cofounders and Director, Jamie Magee.
I've been doing Notes Client app development since 1994 and Domino web apps since 1996 when Domino was in alpha releases at Lotus. I actually like Notes Client more, because it's so unique and because it's a more rapid development environment. My specialty is speeding up customers' slow Domino applications. But the most rewarding part of my job is presenting sessions at conferences and knowledge transfer to customers.
2. What has your experience with social media such as blogs, LinkedIn and twitter been like? Do you have any social media accounts?
I started my own blog ( last year, but seems painful at times to write. I maintain a LinkedIn profile for business networking, but I'm on Facebook much more. I enjoy eavesdropping at the virtual cocktail party known as Twitter as @jamiemagee, but it's too distracting for me during the day. Some of the filtering and searching tools might cause me to revisit that. And then there is my skype account (Francie forced me to get) of jamie magee, which we use heavily within the MartinScott team.
3. What's the biggest misconception about what you do and/or the technology you work with?
It amuses me that my neighbors think I can recommend which brand of laptop they should get. Always glad to help, though.
4. Ok, random question, if your fairy godmother visited you and offered to grant you any wish, what would it be?
I wish to instantly be a good guitar player. In fact, my wife and kids REALLY wish for that, but they tolerate it for now.
5. What's one piece of advice you would share with someone just getting started in your field or technology?
Pick something you're passionate about, then find a role in that field. Few people can simply follow the money and end up truly happy.
6. You'll be blogging on MSG as well, but how do you want our readers to contact you?
Any of the above skype, Twitter or LinkedIn accounts work but email or a phone call is most effective at [email protected] or 703.281.6724.
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